Misplaced underlines for integer64
krlmlr opened this issue · 1 comments
krlmlr commented
options(cli.num_colors = 256)
tibble::tibble(n = c(2, 10000, 94000))
#> �[38;5;246m# A tibble: 3 × 1�[39m
#> n
#> �[3m�[38;5;246m<dbl>�[39m�[23m
#> �[38;5;250m1�[39m 2
#> �[38;5;250m2�[39m �[4m1�[24m�[4m0�[24m000
#> �[38;5;250m3�[39m �[4m9�[24m�[4m4�[24m000
tibble::tibble(n = as.integer(c(2, 10000, 94000)))
#> �[38;5;246m# A tibble: 3 × 1�[39m
#> n
#> �[3m�[38;5;246m<int>�[39m�[23m
#> �[38;5;250m1�[39m 2
#> �[38;5;250m2�[39m �[4m1�[24m�[4m0�[24m000
#> �[38;5;250m3�[39m �[4m9�[24m�[4m4�[24m000
tibble::tibble(n = bit64::as.integer64(c(2, 10000, 94000)))
#> �[38;5;246m# A tibble: 3 × 1�[39m
#> n
#> �[3m�[38;5;246m<int64>�[39m�[23m
#> �[38;5;250m1�[39m �[4m �[24m�[4m �[24m 2
#> �[38;5;250m2�[39m �[4m1�[24m�[4m0�[24m000
#> �[38;5;250m3�[39m �[4m9�[24m�[4m4�[24m000
Created on 2022-03-02 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
github-actions commented
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