Pinned issues
- 1
- 0
Escape sequences and abbreviations in character data
#563 opened by krlmlr - 7
- 2
Modify tbl_df subclass print in a package
#650 opened by urswilke - 1
logic of pillar.print_max pillar.print_min
#669 opened by zufarmul - 2
Unexpected rounding/formatting result/error when printing a tibble object
#673 opened by JohnnyZoomis - 0
Alignment with CJK characters
#700 opened by michael-dewar - 4
- 1
Please add col number to glimpse output
#666 opened by iamYannC - 0
Some changes make warnings in tibble
#665 opened by olivroy - 1
pillar::num type vector is not properly treated by base::sum (with respect to na.rm=TRUE)
#659 opened by nirguk - 2
Show colour in `glimpse()`
#658 opened by oloverm - 1
FR: Add a pillar.max_chars option
#649 opened by olivroy - 2
- 11
- 0
- 1
Control and data flow diagram not displaying properly on pkgdown website
#573 opened by IndrajeetPatil - 2
- 4
- 6
- 2
Guidance colorizing values within a column
#655 opened by jmw86069 - 15
Feedback regarding column superscripts
#582 opened by DavisVaughan - 1
Use pillar to make column titles red
#652 opened by stemangiola - 6
Very small numbers print as `Inf.e-324`
#615 opened by ccsarapas - 12
Add option to suppress hints
#575 opened by krlmlr - 3
If columns truncated, offer advice to see all?
#555 opened by hadley - 2
`median()` does not work for `num()`
#520 opened by mgirlich - 3
Drop crayon dependency
#458 opened by krlmlr - 4
Surv objects not printed when part of a tibble
#558 opened by krlmlr - 5
Quotes in wrong position in character column with NAs?
#556 opened by hadley - 5
- 0
- 1
Why do `new_pillar_shaft()` and `new_pillar_shaft_simple()` default `min_width` to `width`?
#646 opened by DavisVaughan - 0
Infinite date-time being printed twice
#645 opened by DavisVaughan - 1
Misplaced underlines for integer64
#517 opened by krlmlr - 1
Avoid numbered footnotes in colonnade()
#532 opened by krlmlr - 2
- 3
- 2
Use of `focus` argument causes an error
#585 opened by wurli - 1
Hard-deprecate expect_known_display()
#460 opened by krlmlr - 8
pillar and github actions
#462 opened by ecmerkle - 7
tibble `type` cells don't align `title` correctly.
#429 opened by Yunuuuu - 2
Printing hooks
#423 opened by krlmlr - 2
Zero-column packed matrices and data frames
#402 opened by krlmlr - 1
Expand contents of list columns with bare atomics
#403 opened by krlmlr - 1
Rule-based column formatting
#401 opened by krlmlr - 0
Integrate num() with gt?
#407 opened by krlmlr - 0
Integrate num() with datatable?
#428 opened by krlmlr - 0
Support other ggplot2 scales in num()
#437 opened by krlmlr - 1
Print data as soon as it is available
#436 opened by krlmlr