- 1
- 0
- 2
`pr_` performance
#2021 opened by hadley - 0
Clarify `maybe_ours_or_theirs` config
#2054 opened by hadley - 1
Browser sign-in instead of Github PAT
#2051 opened by JackCaster - 2
'use_git()' stops partway through without error message
#2050 opened by hrdawson - 2
`use_readme_rmd()` does not create pre-commit hook if `README.Rmd` is not overwritten
#2035 opened by wacfeld - 2
Bump the default version argument in `use_data()` to 3
#1966 opened by TimTaylor - 0
Docs: grammatical error
#2036 opened by lachlansimpson - 1
Funky bullet in `git_sitrep()`
#2034 opened by jennybc - 2
rename_files breaks with . in old or new
#1969 opened by jonthegeek - 1
- 3
Question: should `usethis::use_apache_license()` support a `copyright_holder` parameter?
#2032 opened by ramiromagno - 2
Should be clearer when cancelling
#2030 opened by hadley - 0
Release usethis 3.0.0
#2029 opened by jennybc - 1
RStudio git pane can get out of sync when checking out branch with the `pr_*()` functions
#1992 opened by olivroy - 2
`use_zip` error in unzipping directory with a different name from the zipfile
#1961 opened by burnsal - 1
`git_conflict_report()` could be more informative
#2003 opened by olivroy - 3
Which repo to target is asked many times without more context (e.g in `use_release_issue()`)
#2023 opened by cderv - 2
Update http errors we're trying to catch for httr2
#2025 opened by jennybc - 6
Should use_vignette support quarto?
#1997 opened by jfunction - 1
#2020 opened by hadley - 1
feat: diffify badge
#2018 opened by csgillespie - 5
usethis commands in the command palette?
#1984 opened by venpopov - 1
Feature request: check for multiple .Renviron files and throw a warning if found
#1983 opened by jmb01 - 2
Use existing R versions for minimum required version
#1972 opened by Bisaloo - 2
Please get rid of the different possible UI answers that mean yes or no but are worded differently
#1968 opened by frederikziebell - 1
usethis theme `i` bullet
#1965 opened by olivroy - 1
`use_package_doc()` should nudge about re-`document()`ing
#1964 opened by jennybc - 2
- 4
Transitioning from devtools to remotes
#2013 opened by hhmacedo - 1
export `compute_name()`
#2019 opened by maxheld83 - 0
`use_coverage()` should advice to set a token in repo?
#2012 opened by olivroy - 3
- 0
`use_test()` and friends should know about snapshot files
#1988 opened by hadley - 3
`use_article()` not adding knitr to `Config/Needs/website` section in description
#1974 opened by m-muecke - 0
`use_version()` leaves behind development header if preceding newlines exist in NEWS
#1976 opened by kevinushey - 5
`use_codecov_badge()` URL seems incorrect now
#1991 opened by DavisVaughan - 2
Allow `use_news_md()` in non-package projects
#2000 opened by DanChaltiel - 6
`usethis::use_tibble()` does not add `@importFrom tibble tibble` to package-level doc
#2007 opened by ramiromagno - 0
Case-sensitive logo.png in `use_pkgdown_github_pages()`
#1999 opened by cgoo4 - 1
Should `browse_github_pulls()` and `browse_github_issues()`, `browse_github_actions()` default to using upstream when a fork?
#2002 opened by olivroy - 1
Pull request helpers as separate package?
#2004 opened by OndrejMottl - 4
`use_tidy_thanks()` does not return markdown string
#1998 opened by chartgerink - 1
- 3
- 5
too many steps to browseVignettes for in-progress package
#1986 opened by setgree - 2
Running install.packages("usethis") results in "fatal error: 'git2.h' file not found".
#1970 opened by markariosd3 - 5
- 1