- 0
Width somehow not honored by `sessioninfo`
#272 opened by fkohrt - 0
- 9
CRAN notice: issues need fixing before 2024-07-31
#263 opened by llrs - 0
Switch from `on_load()` to our latest technique
#270 opened by hadley - 0
Drop support for R 3.5 and earlier
#269 opened by hadley - 1
set locale warnings in documentation
#266 opened by nr0cinu - 0
Update knitr defer code after evaluate 1.0.0
#262 opened by hadley - 0
with_package does not clean up Depends
#261 opened by sebffischer - 1
- 0
Usage instructions for with_tempdir is unclear
#259 opened by jfunction - 0
- 1
`deferred_run` doesn't find attached handlers
#257 opened by dfalbel - 4
Warnings when running tests using withr
#254 opened by fh-mthomson - 4
local_tempfile() fails to close the connection when used in examples with lines=
#256 opened by MichaelChirico - 3
withr `3.0.0` breaking gh actions
#253 opened by dsweber2 - 6
Failing test in test suite
#236 opened by tillea - 0
`get_par` ignores `no.readonly`
#237 opened by MLopez-Ibanez - 4
Should deferred_run() work within knitr?
#235 opened by maelle - 1
Problem with `with_db_connection`
#198 opened by vanhry - 1
- 2
- 0
- 2
Unclear usage of `local_tempfile`
#229 opened by MLopez-Ibanez - 0
- 3
withr not working properly in pkgdown examples
#230 opened by ashbythorpe - 0
`withr::local_`: error `could not find function` when `withr` is not attached
#207 opened by honghaoli42 - 1
Working directory inside with_dir/local_dir does not match provided new directory
#223 opened by solmos - 1
Use `Sys.setlanguage()` in `local_language`
#228 opened by hadley - 0
- 0
Use standalone check functions
#242 opened by hadley - 8
- 2
Should the parameter `tmpdir` be superseded by a new `tempdir` parameter?
#203 opened by IndrajeetPatil - 8
- 2
`with_options` differs from `options()`
#231 opened by fkohrt - 1
Bind `done` to `deferred_run()`
#226 opened by hadley - 2
#224 opened by moodymudskipper - 0
- 2
- 3
Provide `local_bindings()`?
#212 opened by hadley - 2
#205 opened by MichaelChirico - 1
#200 opened by MichaelChirico - 1
Something weird with withr 2.5.0
#197 opened by gaborcsardi - 1
- 4
incorrect example in with_path documentation?
#178 opened by kevinushey - 2
- 1
defer() run immediately when used inside Rmd
#186 opened by hadley - 2
#171 opened by MichaelChirico - 0
Release withr 2.4.3
#184 opened by jimhester - 1
Move `master` branch to `main`
#177 opened by jennybc - 2
Can't load_all() withr?
#172 opened by hadley