
A two-part React Captcha consisting of (1) a back-end service written in Express for generating an SVG captcha and (2) a React component which displays and handles user interaction. Uses Bootstrap.

NOTE: The Captcha font being used creates lower-case "L" and upper case "i" that both look the same - essentialy a character that looks like a pipe. Its easy to mistake the rendering for either one of these letters. We resolve this issue with the default font by ignoring those characters via the ignoreChars prop by default. By supplying a value you undo this unless you include the work-around. Understand that this sample repo relies on the svg-captcha package - visit its documentation to learn how to select a different font if so desired.

That aside, many of svg-captcha's options are implimented via the React component.

When the SVG is generated the solution is sent back along with it via an exposed access control header. Not that you have to impliment anything as its all been done for you, but thats how everything works.

Running the example

Install dependencies

$ npm install

Build react app... the compiled app will be dropped into the public folder.

$ npm run build

Start Express

$ npm run start

Visit http://localhost:3000

Moving parts

React Component


The Props largely mirror the JSON payload detailed further below with the exception of this brief list:

Prop Type Default Description
preamble string (empty string) Text to appear before the solution input box
postamble string (empty string) Text to appear should the captcha be solved, replacing the "verifY' button
onValid func null The callback to be called upon succesfully solving the captcha

Otherwise look to the JSON prop table for additional props.

Here's a complete component example:

  preamble="Prove you're not a robot:"
  postamble="You're human!"

The above example shows, via ignoreChars, that all letters will be upper-case since lower-case letters are dissallowed (ignored).


POST localhost:3000/captcha/

Upon recieving a JSON payload returns an SVG captcha image with the captcha solution sent via a "captcha" header (Access-Control-Expose-Headers).

Defaults are imposed by the service.


Param Type Default Description
size number 4 The number of captcha characters
width number 150 Width of captcha in pixels
height number 50 Height of the captcha in pixels
fontSize number 70 Font size
ignoreChars string 'lI' Specifies characters to not be included in the captcha string generation. For example, if you wanted a captcha comprised of only letters you would provide 0123456789 here. Case matters here, so to omit lower-case abc simply supply those lower-case letters and only the upper-case versions of abc would be capable of appearing. "l" (lower-case "L") and "I" (upper-case "i") are ignored by default because they look the same when rendered by the default font.
noise number 1 Number of lines to be drawn horizontaly through the captcha image
color string 'false' The string true or false to indicate if the captcha characters should use random colors.
bg string 'ffffff' Hexadecimal background color, preceeding hash (#) omitted. If this is set color is turned on, regardless of the color value or presence therof.

Sample Payload

  "size": 5,
  "noise": 2,
  "color": "true"