
Reddit bot to help moderate the r/nyknicks subreddit and send information through a discord bot

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


  • Add new report to DB
    • Fire Discord Hook
  • Update existing Report
  • Track individual User metrics


  • Can respond to bot to remove post
  • Keep track of the username that is reported
  • Send daily notice of users reported
  • Check for bad comments
  • Trade posts will alert us. Eventually can check the quality of the trade
  • Article posted from non whitelisted sites
  • Check comment stream for the word mods. Maybe suggest sub to use a keyword to ping us
  • Make sure Athletic articles don't get copied and pasted
  • Keep track of quality posts, and try to reward those

Spin Up Steps

Clone the Repository to your machine

Copy the .env.example file and title it .env You'll get the necessary credentials during setup

Once you've done that, we will want to make sure the machine has all of the required dependencies to start the app.

Install global dependencies

I'm working on a Mac so these steps are assuming you have one too

You should have git installed, if you don't, install it

Install Node.js

  • I have 15.0.1 but you should be able to use anything above 12 without issues.
  • There is a world where we will need 15.0.1 and npm v7 to integrate with workspaces, but we're not there yet
  • Heroku uses 12.9 which is where our app will live for now

If you have not created a Heroku account, please do so. Once you have an account, send ClydeEdgar a DM on Discord with your email address you used so I can add you as a memeber of the project

Install Heroku CLI Follow the steps to log in from your terminal

On Reddit, you should have been added to the application as a developer. Check Here and gather the client ID and secret. Add them in the appropriate place in the .env file

Use this tool to get your refresh token for the application to connect the application to your Reddit Account (allow all scopes). Use permanent token as temporary needs a refresh every hour.


  • web app
  • Copy Client ID from location above
  • Copy Client Secret from location above
  • Select all scopes (space and then up arrow until you have all green)

Copy the json output (in the browser or in the terminal) and update the .env file accordingly You can always get another set of this information by re-authorizing the application

At this point, you should be able to run npm install in the repo Once that is complete, try to spin up the app using npm run dev

If it doesn't work, provide error message output in Discord so we can debug.


Take a look at the board on Github. Grab a ticket and start going.

ClydeEdgar will handle the infrastructure stuff so please leave those ones for now. He will handle any potential financial things that may arise from hosting/db stuff

Create a feature branch - username/description [eggdev/capturing-reports]

Do your work locally. Commit your code often. Use the conventional commit format. I haven't done it to start the repo but will be doing so going forward. It's good practice in general

When you're ready to submit a PR, open one on Github, request review from the team.

Once the work is approved it you can squash and merge into master and it will trigger a deploy