LaTeX syntax highlighting for Sublime Text with TikZ/PGF support

This is a temporary fork of the default LaTeX syntax from https://github.com/sublimehq/Packages .

The purpose of this repository is to enable users to test the changes before creating a PR on the default repository. Afterwards this repository will be deleted.

Installation (using Package Control)

  1. Press C-shift-p and select Package Control: Add Repository
  2. Paste https://github.com/r-stein/LaTeX-TikZ_PGF
  3. As usual: Press C-shift-p and select Package Control: Install Package and then select LaTeX-TikZ_PGF

Afterwards you can open a LaTeX/TikZ file and select Tools > Syntax > Open all with current extensions as... > LaTeX (TikZ/PGF).

Cleanup If you are done with testing and want cleanup:

  1. open Preferences > Browse Packages and open the folder User and delete the file LaTeX (TikZ-PGF).sublime-settings if it exists.
  2. Press C-shift-p and write Package Control: Remove Package and remove the package and Package Control: Remove Repository and remove the repository.