
Reverse dependencies: any issues?

Opened this issue ยท 6 comments

There are 52 reverse dependencies (all variants: c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances")):

> x = tools::CRAN_package_db()
> y = tools::package_dependencies("tmap", which = "all", recursive = FALSE, reverse = TRUE)
> dput(y$tmap)

c("abmR", "abstr", "bangladesh", "bayesEO", "bdl", "bigDM", "blockCV", 
"CAST", "CopernicusDEM", "CvmortalityMult", "disdat", "edbuildmapr", 
"epm", "eSDM", "findSVI", "geocmeans", "glottospace", "GREENeR", 
"happign", "igr", "LabourMarketAreas", "MainExistingDatasets", 
"mapboxapi", "mapping", "MazamaSpatialPlots", "MultiscaleDTM", 
"ofpetrial", "OpenLand", "pct", "ppcSpatial", "prioriactions", 
"rGhanaCensus", "rnaturalearth", "roads", "rsat", "rstac", "sf", 
"simodels", "sits", "SpatialKDE", "SpatialRDD", "spatialreg", 
"spatialrisk", "spdep", "spnaf", "spNetwork", "stats19", "stplanr", 
"tipsae", "tmaptools", "waterquality", "zonebuilder")

I'll contact each maintainer with the request to check compatibility and to ask if there are any issues and/or questions.

Package maintainer: in case you have questions or found issues, please ask them here.

Hi. For info I noticed::

  • in tm_shape() my ext param was no longer passed to tmaptools::bb() so I now call bb() explicitly to create a bbox. Added tmaptools to package suggests just in case.
  • the tm_shape() help says bbox param only used if is.main = TRUE, but bbox was used in my case when is.main was default NA.
  • I replaced my tm_polygons() etc fill and alpha parameters with 4.0.0 terminology.
  • typo in tm_shape() help: bbox | Bounding box of he map ... should be the map I guess.

Good luck with the final push

Thx @jkennedyie see latest commit: I've enabled the passing by of bb() arguments: e.g. tm_shape(World[1,], ext = 2) + tm_polygons(), and also updated the docs.

Imho, it would be a good idea to have both syntaxes up- and running like this:

if (packageVersion("tmap") > "3.99") {
  # tmap4 code
  tm_shape(World) + 
      fill.scale = tm_scale_intervals(breaks = seq(10, 45, by = 5), values = "brewer.rd_yl_bu"))

} else {
  # tmap3 code
  tm_shape(World) + 
    tm_polygons("HPI", breaks = seq(10, 45, by = 5), palette = "RdYlBu") +
  tm_layout(legend.outside = T)

This would make the submission to CRAN easier for all of us.

Changes in that latest commit working for me - v nice.

I was wondering about best practice during the transition...yep makes sense to me until Suggests >= 4.0.0 will work.

I noticed some plots from my ReadME for my R package don't work on tmap4. I plan to update to the syntax but I know the goal is to have backwards compatibility so just posting the result here. Here's a simplified version of one of the plots in both tmap3 and tmap4.


#> Loading required package: terra
#> terra 1.7.78
#> Breaking News: tmap 3.x is retiring. Please test v4, e.g. with
#> remotes::install_github('r-tmap/tmap')
r<- erupt()

eastness<- SlpAsp(r = r, metrics = "eastness")

tm_shape(eastness) +
  tm_raster(palette = c("blue", "gray", "red"), style= "cont", title = "", breaks =  c(-1,0,1), midpoint = 0, legend.reverse = TRUE)+
  tm_layout(main.title = "Eastness", 
            main.title.position = "center",

Created on 2024-08-07 with reprex v2.1.0


#> Loading required package: terra
#> terra 1.7.78
#> Attaching package: 'tmap'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:datasets':
#>     rivers
r<- erupt()

eastness<- SlpAsp(r = r, metrics = "eastness")

tm_shape(eastness) +
  tm_raster(palette = c("blue", "gray", "red"), style= "cont", title = "", breaks =  c(-1,0,1), midpoint = 0, legend.reverse = TRUE)+
  tm_layout(main.title = "Eastness", 
            main.title.position = "center",
#> -- tmap v3 code detected --
#> [v3->v4] tm_raster(): instead of 'style = "cont"', use 'col.scale = tm_scale_continuous()' and migrate the argument(s) 'breaks' (rename to 'ticks'), 'midpoint', 'palette' (rename to 'values') to 'tm_scale_continuous(<HERE>)'. For small multiples, specify a 'tm_scale_' for each multiple, and put them in a list: 'col.scale = list(<scale1>, <scale2>, ...)'
#> [v3->v4] tm_raster(): migrate the argument(s) related to the legend of the visual variable 'col', namely 'title', 'legend.reverse' (rename to 'reverse') to 'col.legend = tm_legend(<HERE>)'
#> [v3->v4] tm_layout(): use 'tm_title()' instead of the 'main.title' argument of 'tm_layout'
#> Error in if (name %in% c("cat", "seq", "div")) {: the condition has length > 1

Created on 2024-08-07 with reprex v2.1.0

thx @ailich , should be fixed now