- anirudhgovindKU Leuven
- Cocogreg
- danielvojta
- ericmelseNetherlands
- erobesyn
- evandermeijdeFourpoints BI
- Felipedelaparra
- geoglrbUniversity of British Columbia
- GreKro
- JesperHybelCopenhagen
- kbrevoortArlington, VA
- lbusett
- luishernandoWHO/Global Health Cluster
- mbacou@WorldCover @wateraccounting @agrisemantics @agapps @CAL-Insurance
- mpasquier
- mtennekes
- nickbearmanGeospatial Training Solutions
- NowosadMünster, Germany
- rlzijdemanInternational Institute of Social History
- robsalascoSantiago, Chile
- seamusrobertmurphyCabin Resource Management Ltd
- serafinialessioData Reply IT srl
- simogeoIntermezzo
- sjewoRuhr-Universität Bochum
- sons51413
- tim-salabimMETER Group
- timelyportfolioavailable
- yipcma@kaustedu @discoverneom