
Rui's IDL code library for Astrophysics

Primary LanguageIDL


This repository contains various routines written in IDL for my astronomy research projects. Most rocedures/functions in this collection were written as library codes for "general" purposes, but motivated by specific projects.

One-line descriptions of some procedures/functions (still under construction):

Astrophysics Models

  • calc_nc.py calculate the critical density of common ISM molecular/atomic species
  • calc_igmtau.pro compute a model IGM transmission function

Astronomical Utilities


  • amoeba_sa.py a Python implementation of the Nelder-Mead algorithm for function minimization
  • pineps.pro combine eps/ps files into multi-page PDF.
  • read_table.pro read tables fro google docs, excel, etc.


Download the update-to-date version of this library using the following command:

git clone http://github.com/r-xue/xlib.git

Add the library path to your IDL environment.