
Control various settings of Audient iD14 that were available only with official iD app for Windows/Mac

Primary LanguageC


mymixer controls various settings of Audient iD14 that were available only with official iD app for Windows/Mac.

This includes setting separate headphone, speakers, and direct monitoring volumes.

Getting Started

$ git clone https://github.com/r00tman/mymixer
$ cd mymixer && make install
$ sudo mymixer -h

Now, mymixer is installed to ~/.local/bin folder and is ready to use.

Notice that it needs superuser rights or a corresponding udev rule to work. Also, since it claims usb interface, snd_usb_audio might need to be restarted:

$ sudo modprobe -rv snd_usb_audio; sudo modprobe -v snd_usb_audio