
Weather icon font and css themed icons specialy created for Open Weather Map Api, ready to be used on any project.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Open Weather Icons

Weather icon font and css themed icons specialy created for Open Weather Map Api, redy to be used on any project.

Basic Usage

Place the contents from fonts and css folder on your project, assuming that your the fonts are located ../fonts/ from css directory

The icons are displayed using the i element and adding the base class owi and the icon class that you want, such as a owi owi-01d the code 01d is the icon code that you get from the Open Weather Map.


  • Flaticon for their awesome design icons


Open Weather Icon is licenced under MIT

Icons from Flaticon are under CC: Lucy G, Freepik, SimpleIcon, Robin Kylander, Darius Dan, AnhGreen