Opinionated Debian Installer - alternative debian installer for laptops and desktop PCs
- 2001db8Wuerzburg, Germany
- abdeoliveiraUniversidade Federal de Ouro Preto
- abuGitAustria
- alexmyczkoETH Zurich (PHYS/BAUG/BIOL) + @Debian
- Can202
- daniel-faheyKnow Thy Data Limited
- dpvproS-Pb
- echoriiku
- flaviutONE Finance
- fwilhe2
- gnaghiBuffalora
- GobidevRWTH Aachen University
- hathagat
- J0V0Connecticut
- jhx0A small IT company
- Jniklas2::1
- jordankoehnUSA
- jstr0
- jvillasanteOmicron
- LaszloGombos
- luisee
- mbonino
- mratsim@status-im @numforge
- oliverslaterPontefract, UK
- r0b0Europe
- Russell-Jones-OxPhysUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics
- savchenko
- tasheers
- TheDan64@ThreatX
- therealt3nzin
- thunderbird-93
- victorfeight
- wayneyaoo@microsoft
- Yxno67Berlin
- zaza42
- ZeusOfTheCrowsCaerbannog