
A storage place for susi skills http://skills.susi.ai

GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


This is the storage place for susi skills. It is for now a temporary solution for a wiki-like skill editing service that we want to create in the near future.


This repository must be cloned along https://github.com/fossasia/susi_server to make it available to susi. The production platform of http://susi.ai will do a git pull origin master every minute. That means, every change will be available very soon.

Create a new skill

Creation of a new skill is easy, DO NOT PANIC!

Learn the skill language

Read https://github.com/fossasia/susi_skill_data/blob/master/README_susi_skill_language_tutorial.md and test your skill using a susi dream! Then, if your susi dream works, add the skill to this repository, read next topic...

Add intents to a skill or create a new skill

The place to store your intents is a skill. A skill is simply a plain text file with '.txt' extension, placed within a language folder within a topic. So to add a new skill, you first have to choose a topic. You can choose from:

  • Business and Finance
  • Communication
  • Connected Car
  • Food and Drink
  • Games, Trivia and Accessories
  • Health and Fitness
  • Knowledge
  • Lifestyle
  • Movies and TV Shows
  • Music and Audio
  • News
  • Novelty and Humour
  • Problem Solving
  • Productivity
  • Shopping
  • Social
  • Sports
  • Travel and Transportation
  • Utilities
  • Weather

You can find these topics in https://github.com/fossasia/susi_skill_data/tree/master/models/general

Your skill must be placed in a language-dependent subdirectory. Place your intents along one existing skill, or create a new one.

If there is an expert which you want to extend, modify that expert file. If there is not already an expert file, create a new one. Choose a nice name which describes your expert, use lowercase letters only and give the expert file the file name extension ".txt".

Do NOT create a new model in the models subfolder and do NOT create a new topic in the models/general subfolder. If you want a new topic, create an issue and describe your topic and it's purpose.


All new skills shall be licensed under CC0 https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.de We choosed this data because many skills may be similar to knowledge as published by wikidata.org which licenses it's data under CC0 as well. If you take skill data from non-cc0 sources, you may do so but please also copy the license information.