
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Weather App Documentation


The weather app allows the user to find the weather for a specific location using the a city name and optionally a country name. There will be a drop-down list of max 5 search results from which the user can choose their location. Upon selecting the location, the app will request the current weather as well as a forecast for the next 5 days.


  • NodeJS
  • Angular CLI npm i -g @angular/cli


Install the app and it's dependencies using npm install.

Project Structure

/src/app contains all of the project files, below are the highlights from within the folder:

File(s) Description
/core Any classes that will be used application wide
/mock-api Mock objects that are used in testing. The JSON files are from the API as reference.
/models All TS interfaces used in the application
/modules Feature modules
/modules/shared Shared modules modules
/shared Shared Angular elements like components, pipes etc...
/state NgRX actions, reducers, effects, selectors - grouped per module


The project contains a style configuration file which can be found in styles/_variables.scss.

Environment Variables

Key Description
apiUrl Contains the base URL for the api
apiKey Contains the private key for the api


Before commiting run:

  • npm run precommit. This will run linting on all files as well as prettier using the prettier:write command to automagically fix any issues.

You can run these separatley during development

  • ng lint and prettier:check to verify the changes are inline with the coding standard.

Running the Development Server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/.

Code Style and Conventions

The project uses ESLint with a 'standard' configuration. See overview of TS rules.

SCSS linting is done using StyleLint. See overview of SCSS rules.

Building and Deployment

Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.

Building for Production

ToDo: create automatic builds and deploys when pull requests get merged.


Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Third-Party Libraries

VS Code users: it's recommended to use an extension for prettier and configure 'formatOnSave'. https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=esbenp.prettier-vscode

Known issues:

API keys are currently included in the public repository.