
A Telegram bot which reads the status from a soil sensor via MQTT and passes the result to the user.

Primary LanguagePython

This project is in an alpha state

Primary, the source code of this project is very ugly. Also, there are some features missing which probably will be implemented in the feature.


This is a small telegram bot which interacts with a microcontroller to query the state of a soil sensor. You can use it to monitor your plants and find out, when its again to give them some water (without the need to get your hands dirty). This is all done via MQTT.

In order to get the ground's moisture level of your favorite plant, you can simply query the bot by using the /wasserstand plantName command.

If you remember the alpha notice from the beginning of this readme: Yes, you probably will be able to use a different command prefix then this german one.


  • Register multiple plants: You can add as many plants as you want!
  • Add a custom message and photo for each moisture state: Maximum level of customization!

Getting started

In order to start this bot, you need to execute the following steps.

  1. Install the Dependencies: This project uses pipenv to manage the dependencies. That means in order for you to install and start the project, you need an installation of pipenv on your system. You can simply install it with pip by doing:
pip3 install pipenv

After we got this out of the way, we can now start to install the needed dependencies. This can be done by executing:

pipenv install
  1. Obtain a Telegram Api Token: In order for the bot to work, you need to create a Telegram Api token. This is well documented in the official telegram documentation: https://core.telegram.org/bots#3-how-do-i-create-a-bot

  2. Add general configuration: The general configuration is stored as a config file called config.conf. You need to create this file manually (since I added it to the .gitignore file to prevent to publish my telegram api token).

If you created this file, you have to provide your telegram api token. This can be done by adding

telegram_api_token = YOUR_TOKEN

to the config.conf - file.

  1. Create a Flowerfile: A Flowerfile is nothing more then a simple YAML File, which contains all needed information's about your flowers (aka sensors). To create this file, simply create a text file called flowers.yaml.

In this file, you can configure your flowers like so:

- name: "awesome_flower" # Name of your flower.
  mqtt_id: 1 # Id which is used by the MQTT - Sensor for this specific flower.
  messages: # An array of different messages, which can be set different perceptual ranges.
    - percentage_min: 0
      percentage_max: 19
      message: "Please give me some water soon :("

    - percentage_min: 20
      percentage_max: 79
      message: "Im Fine, no need to worry"

    - percentage_min: 80
      percentage_max: 99
      message: "Im F U L L. Do not give me any additional water pls."

Its actually enough to just specify one message which covers the whole 0 - 99 range.

  1. Start your Arduino: In order to measure the moisture, you need to have an arduino, which also needs a way to well ...measure the moisture. You can find such application on my botblume/arduino repo.

  2. Start the Bot: If you are done, you can start the bot by using the following command:

pipenv run python botblume.py

With the example flowerfile from above, you can now query the waterlevel of your flower by executing the command /wasserstand awesome_flower.


As you guessed, you can configure a few thing to your likings.

General configuration

The general configuration contains all bot related stuff. All parameters can be set in your config.conf File.

You can configure the following settings:

  • telegram_api_token: The api token which is needed to connect to the telegram bot.
  • mqtt_server_address: The address of the MQTT - Broker which should be used. Defaults to
  • mqtt_server_port: The port where the MQTT - Broker is listening on. Defaults to 1887.

All of those settings can also be set by command line arguments. You can do this by using a double dash as a prefix and a space to delimit the parameter name from the value.

If you would like to read some funky debug output, you can also add the -d or --debug switch.

Flower Configuration

The flowers.yaml file contains all of the flowers, you want to monitor. Each flower has the flowing properties:

  • name: A unique name of the flower. This name is used to query the flower with the /wasserstand command.
  • mqtt_id: A unique identifier which specifies the topic for the listening sensor.
  • messages: An array of messages, which should be included in each status query. You can specify a custom message for each range inside the interval from 0 to 100.
    • percentage_min: The start of the perceptual range.
    • percentage_max: The end of the perceptual range.
    • message:: The actual message which should be included.
    • [include_photo]: If you also want to include a photo to your message, set this to true.
    • [photo_path]: Path to the photo which should be included with your message.