Mobile touch friendly lightweight chalkboard. Should work just fine in both desktop and mobile Chrome..
- basic figures available: lines, arrows, boxes, ellipses..
- drawing modes: solid, dashed, dotted, "distorted" (supposed to mimic real world whiteboard drawings)
- basic text typing (latin alphanumeric, all glyphs vector-rendered as you type them)
- selecting, copypasting (works with system clipboard)
- basic presenting: slides / viewpoint list handling and navigation
- virtually infinite zoom
- supports stylus / pen input instruments (e.g. drawing tablets), translating pressure into opacity and pen width
- working with rasterized images (pictures could be pasted from clipboard, or dragged onto the board)
- named boards
- saving / loading board from / to browser local storage
- downloading / uploading board from / to machine local storage (json serialised)
- downloading board as png
- session record / play mode (with backend also supports record save and load operations)
- whiteboard (bright) / blackboard (dark) / greenboard themes
you'll need to have docker installed.
make run
(if you have make)
docker build -t chalkboard .
docker run -p 5000:5000 chalkboard
.- navigate to