
Moebooru, a fork of danbooru1 that has been heavily modified

Primary LanguageRubyISC LicenseISC

Code Climate


An image board.


As this is ongoing project, there will be more changes on requirement as this project goes. Currently this application is developed using:

  • Ruby (2.6 or later)
  • PostgreSQL (11 or later)
  • Bundler gem
  • node.js (10.17 or later)
  • yarn
  • ImageMagick
  • And various other requirement for the gems (check Gemfile for the list)

On RHEL5 (and 6), it goes like this (outdated list):

  • gcc
  • gcc-c++
  • ImageMagick
  • jhead
  • libxslt-devel
  • libyaml-devel
  • git
  • openssl-devel
  • pcre-devel
  • postgresql94-devel
  • postgresql94-server
  • readline-devel

Base, EPEL, and postgresql official repositories contain all the requirements.


Database Setup

After initializing PostgreSQL database, create user for moebooru with createdb privilege:

postgres# create user moebooru_user with password 'the_password' createdb;

Rails Setup

  • Run bundle install
  • Create config/database.yml and config/local_config.rb
  • Initialize database with bundle exec rake db:reset
  • Run bundle exec rake db:migrate
  • Start the server (bundle exec unicorn or bundle exec puma if using JRuby/Rubinius)


See config/local_config.rb.example. Additionally, as I move to ENV-based configuration, here's the list of currently supported ENV variables:

  • MB_DATABASE_URL: sets database connection configuration. Syntax: postgres://<user>(:<pass>)@<host>(:<port>)/<dbname>.
  • MB_MEMCACHE_SERVERS: addresses of memcache servers. Separated by comma.
  • MB_PIWIK_HOST: sets the host this application will attempt to contact a Piwik installation at. Defaults to false to not use Piwik if unset.
  • MB_PIWIK_ID: sets the Site ID this application will send analytics data for.
  • MB_THREADS: sets number of threads this application is running. Currently used to determine number of connection pool for memcached. Defaults to 1 if unset.

Additional configuration for web server

On setup with separate image servers, additional configuration is required for avatar and inline image cropping to work. Specifically, due to how the image cropping library works, the image servers need to allow CORS for image access from main url.


  • Bug fixes
  • Documentation
  • And more!