A simple validation library for Clojure.
Via Clojars: http://clojars.org/validation-clj
Need some records validated?
(def *alice* {:nick "alice" :email "alice"})
(def *bob*
{:nick "bob"
:email "bob@example.com"
:password "secret"
:password-confirmation "secret"})
Use the validation library.
(use 'validation.core 'validation.errors)
Define a validation which generates the valid-user?, validate-user and validate-user! functions.
(defn new-user? [user]
(nil? (:id user)))
(defvalidate user
(presence-of :nick)
(min-length-of :nick 2)
(max-length-of :nick 16)
(presence-of :email)
(is-email :email)
(presence-of :password :if new-user?)
(confirmation-of :password :if new-user?))
The valid-user? fn checks if the record is valid or not.
(valid-user? *alice*)
;=> false
(valid-user? *bob*)
;=> true
The validate-user fn returns the record itself with possible error messages attached to the metadata.
(validate-user *alice*)
;=> {:nick "alice"}
(validate-user *bob*)
;=> {:nick "bob"
; :email "bob@example.com"
; :password "secret"
; :password-confirmation "secret"}
The error-messages reads the error messages from the meta data of the validated record.
(error-messages (validate-user *bob*))
;=> nil
(error-messages (validate-user *alice*))
;=> {:email ["is not a valid email address." "can't be blank."]
; :password ["can't be blank."]}
The validate-user! fn is similar to validate-user, but uses the error-kit condition system to signal validation errors.
(use 'slingshot.core)
(validate-user! *alice*)
(catch validation.error {user :record errors :errors}
;=> {:email ["is not a valid email address." "can't be blank."]
; :password ["can't be blank."]}
(validate-user! *bob*)
;=> {:nick "bob"
; :email "bob@example.com"
; :password "secret"
; :password-confirmation "secret"}
For anything else look at the tests ...
Copyright (C) 2013 Roman Scherer
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.