hygenic defvalidator
Opened this issue · 1 comments
dubiousdavid commented
Any interest in making the defvalidator more hygenic? This also allows you to use functions created outside the scope of the macro for predicate and error fns.
(defmacro defvalidator
[fn-name fn-doc args predicate-fn error-fn]
`(defn ~fn-name ~fn-doc [attribute# ~@args & {:as options#}]
(fn [record#]
(let [value# (extract-value record# attribute#)]
(if (and (or (nil? (:if options#)) ((:if options#) record#))
(or (nil? (:unless options#)) (not ((:unless options#) record#))))
(if (~predicate-fn record# attribute# value#)
(add-error-message-on record# attribute#
(~error-fn record# attribute# value#)))
; Examples
(defvalidator confirmation-of
"Validates that the record's attribute is the same as the
confirmation attribute."
(fn [record attribute value]
(= value ((confirmation-keyword attribute) record)))
(constantly "doesn't match confirmation."))
(defvalidator is-email
"Validates that the record's attribute is a valid email address."
#(email? %3)
(constantly "is not a valid email address."))
r0man commented
yes, patch and working tests welcome