
A experimental extension of ULMFiT for text tagging.

Primary LanguagePython

Text tagging


This project reviews the standard methods in text tagging and experiments extending the approach proposed in Universal Language Model Fine-tuning for Text Classification (ULMFiT) while integrating the modifications in a local copy of the FastAI library.


The files/folder contained in this repo are:

  • fastai/ directory: Contains the modified verion 1.0.31 of the fastai library to inlcude text tagging.
  • ULMFiT_approach: A notebook with an execution of the Labeler (on working results) and some of the functions integrated in the library.
  • Data_preprocessing_visualization_new.ipynb: A notebook with Data preprocessing, visualization for the presentation
  • final_project_checkin_template.ipynb: first machine learning model fitting
  • baseline_optimization.ipynb: A notebook with grid search and pipeline to tune the machine learning algorithms

The extension of the approach proposed in ULMiT to this task is still an ongoing project. While a working version has been constructed the models results still need to be improved.

Major issues

While developing the application of ULMFit to text tagging we realized a major issue of using pre-defined models for that task. This is, the tokenization of the up-stream task, which generally is used for several down-stream tasks, needs to match the one that was provided in the down-stream taks for the text to match the labels.


Miguel Romero, Louise Lai, Jenny Kong.