
Primary LanguagePython


Version: 1.0 beta

A simple command tool that copies files from a m3u playlist(s) to a destination directory. Useful for transferring music in playlists to another computer. By defauft sub-directories are created for each playlst. Additional options allow to flatten a directory structure or rename files according to their ID3 tags.


m3uco.py [-h] [--destination DIR] [--rename] [--numbering] [--flat] playlists [playlists ...]

  • playlists Playlist files separated by spaces

  • -h, --help show this help message and exit

  • --destination DIR, -d DIR Destination directory

  • --rename, -r Renames files in the target directory according to this pattern - <title>.

  • --numbering, -n Add numbering to new file names, so that the rename pattern becomes <#> - <title>. Requires --rename option.

  • --flat, -f Prevents from creating a subdirectory for each playlist.