

This starter includes:

  • apollo-server when run locally
  • apollo-server-lambda when run on AWS
  • @apollo/federation schema pre-configured
  • @pointblankdev/dynamite for DynamoDB database client
  • serverless for infrastructure-as-code to AWS
  • jest for testing with recommended extentions
  • Github Actions for CI/CD

Getting Started

Amazon Web Services

  • First, setup up your AWS access by installing the AWS CLI tools.
  • After that's complete, run aws configure and input your AWS credentials.


  • Sign in to AWS and create a DynamoDB table.
  • Pick any table name and set your primary key to id.
  • Uncheck "Use default settings" and select On-demand for Read/write capacity mode.
  • Leave all other settings unchanged.

Environment Variables

Local development

  • Rename example.env to .env.
  • Set DYNAMITE_TABLE to the table name you selected for the database.

Github Actions

  • Set AWS credentials as secrets in Github.

AWS Lambda

  • Set DYNAMITE_TABLE to the table name you selected for the database.