Project management tool for engineers and business people
# Make sure MongoDB is running (listening on port 21017, by default)
sudo service mongod start
# Then, run the server
yarn dev
# Start Vue
yarn serve
This playground is used to test the API without worrying about the UI
# To open the playground, start by launching the server with this command
yarn dev
# Then, connect with your browser to 'http://localhost:5500/playground'
// In order to send a request, we need to write a 'mutation' :
mutation CaptureEmail($email: String!) {
captureEmail(email: $email) {
# Then, got to the tab 'QUERY VARIABLES' and enter an email
"email": ""
# You should receive a confirmation of creation
# To confirm on Mongo, open a shell and type :
show dbs
use <your-db-name>
show collections
# You should see 'users'
# You should see all the user entries in JSON format
// We start by writing a 'mutation'
mutation Signup ($id: String!, $firstname: String!, $lastname: String!, $password: String!){
signup(id: $id, firstname: $firstname, lastname: $lastname, password: $password) {
user {
# Then, got to the tab 'QUERY VARIABLES' and enter user credentials
# N.B. We need to fetch the user's ID from Mongo
"id": "5c2a0c02b07eac693157ba9e",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"password": "mypassword"