
Scrape Alibaba Supplier contact

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Scrape Alibaba Supplier contact


  1. request alibaba category and add category to redis.
  2. get category from redis, request list, insert brief info about company to the postgres.
  3. get brief info from postgres, add url to redis.
  4. request company contact, write data to postgres.

run postgres docker

docker run -p 5432:5432 --restart=always --name alibaba -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=123456 -d postgres:9.3

login in pg

docker exec -i -t alibaba bash
psql -U postgres
create database alibaba;
\c alibaba

create table

create table alibaba_company
name character varying(255),
sid bigint,
url character varying(255),
status character varying(255),  /* brief, detail, detailErr */
gold_supplier bigint,
assurance boolean,
contact json,
update_date timestamp

run redis server

docker run -p 6379:6379 --restart=always --name redis -d redis

get category insert to redis

node getCategory.js

write company brief to local database

node getCompanyBrief.js

insert company brief from database to redis

node prepareCOmpanyDetailEnv.js

update company detail to local database

node getCompanyDetail.js

query table

select * from alibaba_company;
select count(*) from alibaba_company;
select * from alibaba_company order by id desc limit 50 ;
SELECT sid, count(*) as count FROM alibaba_company group by sid order by count desc;
SELECT count(*),name FROM alibaba_company group by name order by count(*) desc;
SELECT * FROM alibaba_company WHERE name LIKE '%Chengli Special%'; /* same company name with different sid, url*/

query redis

SCARD alibaba_category_key
SCARD alibaba_company_key
SRANDMEMBER alibaba_category_key 5
SRANDMEMBER alibaba_company_key 5

format for export

select sid, name, url, contact->>'person' as Person,contact->>'Department' as Department,contact->>'Job Title' as Job_Title,contact->>'Telephone' as Telephone,contact->>'Mobile Phone' as Mobile_Phone,contact->>'Fax' as Fax,contact->>'Address' as Address,contact->>'Country/Region' as Country_Region,contact->>'Province/State' as Province_State, contact->>'City' as City,contact->>'Province/State' as Province_State,contact->>'Zip' as Zip from alibaba_company where status = 'detail' and contact->>'person' <> '' order by name;

remove last export csv in database

  1. read csv save to redis
node loadLastCSV <file_path>
  1. delete the same name in the db
node removeLastData

Can't Request Some Company Url

When request company url such as http://www.alibaba.com/member/yuen_/contactinfo.html, will redirect to http://yuen_.fm.alibaba.com/contactinfo.html, due to the hostname include '_', node.js can't access the page. (http://frank_gu.fm.alibaba.com/contactinfo.html can request)