
USB armory Debian base image

Primary LanguageMakefileMIT LicenseMIT

USB armory Debian base image

The Makefile in this repository is based on the official usbarmory debian image repo

Before using, please make effort reading the entire document, understanding the risks and ways to prevent yourself from data loss.


  • Able to customize bootloader (u-boot, armory-boot)
  • Build image to use for secure boot (only with armory-boot)
  • Able to customize boot partition size
  • Separate /boot partition to enable LUKS encrypted root
  • Initramfs with modules to setup LUKS encrypted root
  • Pre-encrypted image
  • Targets for update kernel image
  • Customizable init script
  • Build signed image
  • Dropped support for Mark I (I have no device to test on)

Prebuilt Modules

We run into chicken and egg situation with embedded modules for initramfs, initramfs is packaged by kernel during build and kernel modules are only built after the kernel is built. So the prebuilt folder will include prebuilt kernel modules so they can be packaged inside the initramfs, if you are unsure about the ones I packaged, replace the modules with ones you built. Make sure all the symlink is working.

Build Modes

Enable LUKS with secure boot requires a lot of work manually, I have came up with an easy way to provision the drives without the need to use debug cables or doing manual file updates on the SD card (debug cable is still highly recommended).

The following build mode can be chosen with this script:

  • Normal (no need to supply PKI)
  • Signed (PKI and public key for bootloader needs to be provided for secure boot)


If you want to build LUKS encrypted image, please set LUKS=on when running make.

If LUKS is turned on, the auto unlock script will be added with an random password. (This is not safe, you must rebuild boot partition with derived password later)


By default LUKS2 uses Argon2i as KDF (key derivation function), the problem with it is since the parameters is calculated during a benchmark for luksFormat if you execute this Makefile (which I believe you would) on a way faster machine, the resulting LUKS partition will take ages to unlock due to the complexity of the KDF. There is two way to fix this:

  • Run luksFormat on device so the resulting partition is somewhat usable
  • Tweak the Argon2i's parameters so it doesn't matter if you create it on a faster machine or slower machine.

Note, because the script is tweaking the default parameters for LUKS, it might decrease security for the resulting partition. Just keep this in mind.

Build Target

  • boot partition (used to update kernel, provision new key)
  • bootloader (used to update bootloader)
  • full image (full image that can be written to the SD)

Secure Boot Procedure

To enable secure boot with LUKS encrypted rootfs, please follow the following procedure:

Locked Devices

If your devices is already locked down, SoC fused, you can only use Signed Mode, any unsigned bootloader will not able to run on the device. But you can still use this script if you have the PKI keys and build in signed mode.

  1. Build LUKS enabled signed image
  2. Login and run dcp_derive enc [new key] [diversifier] and get the hardware derived key. Copy this.
  3. Rebuild the boot partition with PKI and [derived key] and [diversifier]
  4. Flash the new boot partition.

Unlocked Devices

If your devices is unlocked, you can execute unsigned image, but I do recommend you put the device in locked state after

  1. Build LUKS enabled unsigned image
  2. Login and run dcp_derive enc [new key] [diversifier] and get the hardware derived key. Copy this.
  3. Rebuild the boot partition with [derived key] and [diversifier]
  4. Flash the new boot partition.
  5. Test to see if unlock works
  6. Generate the PKI and fust the SoC
  7. Rebuild the boot partition with PKI and [derived key] and [diversifier]
  8. Flash the new boot partition.## Pre-requisites

Build pre-requisites

A Debian 9 installation with the following packages:

bc binfmt-support bzip2 fakeroot gcc gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf git gnupg make parted rsync qemu-user-static wget xz-utils zip debootstrap sudo dirmngr bison flex libssl-dev kmod

Import the Linux signing GPG key:

gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 38DBBDC86092693E

Import the U-Boot signing GPG key:

gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 147C39FF9634B72C

Import the Busybox signing GPG key:

gpg --keyserver hkp://ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys C9E9416F76E610DBD09D040F47B70C55ACC9965B

The loop Linux kernel module must be enabled/loaded, also mind that the Makefile relies on the ability to execute privileged commands via sudo.

Docker pre-requisites

When building the image under Docker the --privileged option is required to give privileges for handling loop devices, example:

docker build --rm -t armory ./
docker run --rm -it --privileged -v $(pwd):/opt/armory --name armory armory

On Mac OS X the build needs to be done in a case-sensitive filesystem. Such filesystem can be created with Disk Utility by selecting File > New Image > Blank Image, choosing Size: 5GB and Format: APFS (Case-sensitive). Double click on the created dmg file to mount it.


Launch the following command to download and build the image:

# For the USB armory Mk II (external microSD)
make IMX=imx6ulz BOOT=uSD

# For the USB armory Mk II (internal eMMC)
make IMX=imx6ulz BOOT=eMMC

# Building with signed bootloader and configs (armory-boot only)
make IMX=imx6ulz BOOT=uSD SIGNED=on

# Building with LUKS turned on (not secure, replace with HW derived keys later)
make IMX=imx6ulz BOOT=uSD LUKS=on

# Building with LUKS turned on with derived password, signed (final stage)
make IMX=imx6ulz BOOT=eMMC LUKS=on SIGNED=on BOOT_PUBLIC_KEY=[your public key] DCP_PASSWORD=[derived password] DIVERSIFIER=[diversifier when you used dcp_derive] LUKS_PASSWORD=[the plaintext password for luks, only used when creating the image]

Building signed image

If your device is already fused or you want to use signed image before you fuse the keys, you can build with signed target. Make sure you mount the folder including your HAB keys and armory-boot public/private keys to the docker container.

docker run --rm -it --privileged -v $(pwd):/opt/armory -v /home/mykeys:/opt/pki-keys --name armory armory

The makefile will default using /opt/pki-keys, but you can override that setting.

The you can build the target with:

make IMX=imx6ulz BOOT=uSD SIGNED=on ....BOOT_PRIVATE_KEY=xxxxx

Relevant parameters

  • BOOT_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD (the private key password, if not provided, it will be prompted)
  • BOOT_PRIVATE_KEY (the private key file location, default to /opt/pki-keys/armory-boot.asc)
  • BOOT_PUBLIC_KEY (the last line of the public key, not file name)
  • HAB_KEYS (the location of the HAB keys, folder containing all the keys generated by habtool https://github.com/f-secure-foundry/usbarmory/wiki/Secure-boot-(Mk-II))

Building with LUKS encrypted rootfs

Launch the following command to download and build the image:

# For the USB armory Mk II (external microSD)
make IMX=imx6ulz BOOT=uSD LUKS=on

# For the USB armory Mk II (internal eMMC)
make IMX=imx6ulz BOOT=eMMC LUKS=on

The makefile will generate an random password using openssl and print it in the console. Look for the following text:

Creating luks partition with password: 8bf047879bf32a47676958d1307510ff5ae7f651

Make sure to nuke this keyslot once image is provisioned on the device and a new password is installed.

The following output files are produced:


Auto-unlocking LUKS

There are existing solutions using the Dropbear SSH unlock for the LUKS partition. Having to not embed an key in the system is able to make the drive unrecoverable if lost. For my own use cases, I plan to have the drive auto unlocked but also make sure it will provide similar security.


The LUKS partition password will be embedded in the boot partition, in the zImage. But this key is not the LUKS partitions plaintext key, its encrypted using the device's DCP and the OTPMK. Even when attacker extracted the key from the zImage, they have no way to decrypt it off device since the OTPMK is embedded in the processor and can not be read.

Secure boot

When the encrypted key cannot be read by the attacker off device, how do we prevent them from reading it on device. We can't, but we are able to leverage secure boot and make sure the bootloader loading the kernel also the kernel itself + initramfs is not tampered with. This is the main reason why I chose to embed the initramfs inside the zImage, so the bootloader can just verify the zImage.

In conclusion, this method will not prevent attacker to boot your device once they have it in their possession. You will be responsible to hardening the device once its booted, make sure your ports are protected, password is strong and never run untrusted services without confirmation.


WARNING: the following operations will destroy any previous contents on the external microSD or internal eMMC storage.

IMPORTANT: /dev/sdX, /dev/diskN must be replaced with your microSD or eMMC device (not eventual partitions), ensure that you are specifying the correct one. Errors in target specification will result in disk corruption.

Linux (verify target from terminal using dmesg):

sudo dd if=usbarmory-*-debian_buster-base_image-YYYYMMDD.img of=/dev/sdX bs=1M conv=fsync

Mac OS X (verify target from terminal with diskutil list):

sudo dd if=usbarmory-*-debian_buster-base_image-YYYYMMDD.img of=/dev/rdiskN bs=1m

On Windows, and other OSes, alternatively the Etcher utility can be used.

LUKS resize

After install and confirming the image works on your device, you might want to extend the LUKS partition to fill the rest of your storage device, you can follow the guide here: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/320957/extend-a-luks-encrypted-partition-to-fill-disk

sudo parted /dev/sdX (your sd card)
> resizepart 2 100%
> q

sudo cryptsetup resize [mapper name]

sudo e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/[mapper name]
sudo resize2fs /dev/mapper/[mapper name]

Bootup sequence

During the boot sequence, various LED will be lit up indicating the stage of the boot sequence. The boot will come in two stages for secure boot with LUKS.

  1. Secure Boot
  2. LUKS Unlock

Here are the LED sequence to look for if you do not have an debug cable or console is turned off on your device.

Secure Boot (armory-boot)

Boot sequence Blue White
0. initialization off off
1. boot media detected on off
2. kernel verification complete on on
3. jumping to kernel image off off

LUKS Unlock

Unlock sequence Blue White
0. kernel module loaded off on
1. before LUKS unlock on on
2. LUKS unlocked off on
3. before calling switch_root off off

Data Protection and Loss

Since the rootfs is encrypted with LUKS and hopefully you are using derived password to auto unlock the drive. If the boot partition is damaged, you will not able to boot into the device and data stored on it is lost.

To prevent this, please keep the derived password in a safe location, in case of a corrupted boot partition, you can regenerate the boot partition image with the derived password + HAB keys.

Accessing the USB armory Mk II internal eMMC as USB storage device

Set the USB armory Mk II to boot in Serial Boot Loader by setting the boot switch towards the microSD slot, without a microSD card connected. Connect the USB Type-C interface to the host and verify that your host kernel successfully detects the board:

usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 8 using xhci_hcd
usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=15a2, idProduct=0080, bcdDevice= 0.01
usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0
usb 1-1: Product: SE Blank 6ULL
usb 1-1: Manufacturer: Freescale SemiConductor Inc
hid-generic 0003:15A2:0080.0003: hiddev96,hidraw1: USB HID v1.10 Device [Freescale SemiConductor Inc  SE Blank 6ULL] on usb-0000:00:14.0-1/input0

Load the armory-ums firmware using the armory-boot-usb utility:

sudo armory-boot-usb -i armory-ums.imx

Once loaded, the host kernel should detect a USB storage device, corresponding to the internal eMMC.


After being booted, the image uses Ethernet over USB emulation (CDC Ethernet) to communicate with the host, with assigned IP address (using as gateway). Connection can be accomplished via SSH to, with default user usbarmory and password usbarmory. NOTE: There is a DHCP server running by default. Alternatively the host interface IP address can be statically set to

Debug accessory

Once the debug accessory is connected, use the following to view serial console

picocom -b 115200 -eb /dev/ttyUSB2 --imap lfcrlf

LED feedback

To aid initial testing the base image configures the board LED to reflect CPU load average, via the Linux Heartbeat Trigger driver. In case this is undesired, the heartbeat can be disabled by removing the ledtrig_heartbeat module in /etc/modules. More information about LED control here.


The default image is 4GB of size, to use the full microSD/eMMC space a new partition can be added or the existing one can be resized as described in the USB armory FAQ.


losetup fails with no /dev/loop0 device

If you didn't load the loop module to your host machine you can load them with:

modprobe loop

Additional resources

Project page
Board schematics, layout and support files
Discussion group