
Vortex telegram bot, manages yor links

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Vortex is a basic telegram bot aimed to manage your pasted links.


I often use the "Saved Messages" feature in telegram whenever I find something interesting. Most of the time its a GitHub link. Then 9 out of 10 times I ended up starring the repo or fork the repo. To simplify the process, I want to create a simple telegram bot that will read the links sent and process it acordinly.

Using vortex

You can use the prebuilt version of vortex fron docker hub, it will by default include all the plugins in this repo.

docker run -e TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=VAL -e TELEGRAM_WHITELIST=xxxxxxx r1cebank/vortex

You can also build vortex to a docker image and run it on the system of your choice. Simply do:

docker build -t sometag .


Since telegram bots don't really support authentication, the bot will only allow user id from whitelist to send commands. To configure your own bot, make sure the environment variable TELEGRAM_WHITELIST is configured to be a comma-seperated list of the ids you want the bot to accept commands from.

Supported links

  • Github (github.com/xxx/xxx)


vortex is meant to be built with many plugins, currently github is the only plugin that it supports, if you want to support more links, feel free to develop a plugin for that specific link and submit pr. Thanks