

Primary LanguageShell

This directory is supplemental things to help setup the environment for LISA 19

Add the repo

argocd repo add https://github.com/cooktheryan/lisa19.git

Add clusters

argocd cluster add east1 argocd cluster add east2 argocd cluster add west2

Define simple app

argocd app create --project default --name simple-app --repo https://github.com/cooktheryan/lisa19.git --path simple-app --dest-server https://api.lisa-east1.sysdeseng.com:6443 --dest-namespace simple-app --revision master --sync-policy automated --self-heal

List the app and view

argocd app get simple-app oc get all -n simple-app


argocd app create --project default --name cluster1-mongo
--repo https://github.com/cooktheryan/lisa19.git
--path mongo/overlays/cluster1
--dest-server https://api.lisa-east1.sysdeseng.com:6443
--dest-namespace mongo --revision master --sync-policy automated

argocd app create --project default --name cluster2-mongo
--repo https://github.com/cooktheryan/lisa19.git
--path mongo/overlays/cluster2
--dest-server https://api.lisa-east2.sysdeseng.com:6443
--dest-namespace mongo --revision master --sync-policy automated

argocd app create --project default --name cluster3-mongo --repo https://github.com/cooktheryan/lisa19.git
--path mongo/overlays/cluster3
--dest-server https://api.lisa-west2.sysdeseng.com:6443
--dest-namespace mongo --revision master --sync-policy automated

Labeling of pods

for cluster in east1 east2 west2; do ./utility/wait-for-deployment $cluster mongo mongo; done

Label pod

Select Primary MongoDB pod

MONGO_POD=$(oc --context=east1 -n mongo get pod --selector="name=mongo" --output=jsonpath='{.items..metadata.name}')

Label primary pod

oc --context=east1 -n mongo label pod $MONGO_POD replicaset=primary

Validate successful labeling

./utility/wait-for-mongo-replicaset east1 mongo 3


argocd app create --project default --name pacman-east1 --repo https://github.com/cooktheryan/lisa19.git --path pacman/overlays/cluster1 --dest-server https://api.lisa-east1.sysdeseng.com:6443 --dest-namespace pacman --revision master --sync-policy automated

Play the game


Extend to east2

argocd app create --project default --name pacman-east2 --repo https://github.com/cooktheryan/lisa19.git --path pacman/overlays/cluster2 --dest-server https://api.lisa-east2.sysdeseng.com:6443 --dest-namespace pacman --revision master --sync-policy automated

Set replicas to 0

vi overlays/cluster1/pacman-deployment.yaml git commit -am 'resizing' git push origin master

Play the game

Extend to west2

argocd app create --project default --name pacman-west2 --repo https://github.com/cooktheryan/lisa19.git --path pacman/overlays/cluster3 --dest-server https://api.lisa-west2.sysdeseng.com:6443 --dest-namespace pacman --revision master --sync-policy automated

Remove east2

vi overlays/cluster2/pacman-deployment.yaml git commit -am 'resizing' git push origin master