
a simple yet powerful package manager

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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A modern and extensible package manager for Linux*/Unix
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Table of Contents

About The Project

appctl is a modern and extensible project manager and its can support any type of package format and mode of operation (like installation, compilation, upgradation) can be added in forms of modules.

librlxpkg - is a avaliable module to provide support for rlxos recipe files. Its the complete implemenation and can install, compile, search and remove any type

appctl primarly targets rlxos (releax os) but can be easily ported to any linux/unix system even without code modifications

Built With

appctl mainly uses standard POSIX libraries, but for complete functionality need below files.

Getting Started

appctl can work on any system without conflicting to you existing system. Installation path of both system and user package can be configured through /etc/appctl.conf.

While performing any task like installation, uninstallation or upgradation etc. appctl search for modules specified in /etc/appctl.conf or include/default.hh. then appctl pass app-id & args to every module in order if module support that app-id then that module will be used to perform tasks.


appctl is pre install in rlxos but can compile in on any linux/unix system. To perform compilation you need to install prerequisites libraries

  • libcurl, libressl/openssl
sudo pacman -Syu curl openssl


  • libapp - backend library for appctl
    project build libapp
  • appctl - cmdline frontend for appctl
    project build libappctl
  • librlxpkg - module implementation for appctl
    project build librlxpkg


    sudo project do install


appctl use common and standard command line arguments for performing operations, like

    appctl install <app-name>
    appctl-0.1.0 : rlxos package manager tool

    Usage: appctl [options]

        install     [app-name] 		        install specified application from app-id
        info        [app-name] 		        print information of <app>
        list-files  [app-name] 		        list content of install <app>
        cal-dep     [app-name] 		        calculate required dependencies of <app>
        verify-config [section.variable]    print configuration file
        remove      [app-name] 		        remove app from root directory
        download    [<url> <file>] 		    download file specified
        sync        [] 		                sync data from modules
        gen-hash    [file] 		            generate hash sum of input file

For more examples, please refer to the Documentation


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b 0.1.0)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m '[my-id] my awesome Feature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin 0.1.0)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the GPL3 License. See license for more information.


Manjeet Singh - @releaxos - itsmanjeet@releax.in

Join our discord server for any query

Project Link: https://github.com/rlxos/appctl
