r2d2pl's Following
- AkihiroSudaNTT
- aquarist-labs
- bitnami-labsSan Francisco, CA
- charmbracelet/dev/tty
- clastixItaly
- cue-lang
- ddosifyUnited States of America
- etherUK
- external-secrets
- getsops
- gitlabhqEarth
- k3s-io
- kedacore
- komodorioTel Aviv
- kube-green
- litmuschaosSan Jose, USA
- moby
- nats-io
- NixOSEverywhere
- nmeisenzahl@whiteducksoftware
- OpenFunction
- openSUSEThe Internet
- opentofu
- paralusUnited States of America
- parseablehq
- pixie-io
- project-akri
- pulumiUnited States of America
- python
- rancherfederalReston, VA
- siderolabsEarth
- swisskyrepo
- systemd
- the-tcpdump-group
- uyuni-project