This repository provides the code for a LLB API frontend. It accepts a base64 encoded, binary encoded protobuf Buildkit Definition.
It aims to be a generic Buildkit frontend for developers looking to manipulate the build DAG with the finest granularity.
This may be useful for developers looking at access the low-level build API in Buildkit in languages other than Go.
This frontend accepts a JSON file with the following schema:
- imageConfig: a partial OCI image config that will be written to the exported image upon build
- definition: A base64-encoded binary-encoded protobuf buildkit.Definition message. The message itself contains marshaled buildkit operations, a metadata map, and a sources map (currently unused by this frontend).
"imageConfig": {
"created": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"os": "linux",
"architecture": "arm64",
"config": {
"Cmd": [
"Env": [],
"WorkingDir": "/",
"Labels": {
"r2d4.dacc.version": "1.0.3",
"r2d4.dacc.builder": "",
"": "2024-09-11T22:07:24.099Z"
"definition": "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"
To generate this configuration file, you can run the build/src/hello-world.
For an implementation, see the dacc project on GitHub.
The frontend is now compiled with dacc. You can see the build definition in build/src/main.ts.
The Buildkit Gateway service can be difficult to access for languages other than Go. It requires compiling a series of protobuf and gRPC infrastructure that's currently only written in Go.
This provides an alternative to writing a frontend in Go. Instead, you only have to generate your favorite language bindings for ops.proto
. Generating the DAG still requires some work. Higher-level libraries may be helpful.