Guide to Quarkus Demo Project Twitter

In this project I'm demonstrating the most interesting features of Quarkus for building applications in Kotlin.

Getting Started

Here's a full list of available examples:

  1. Using Quarkus for building REST application that connects to H2 database using Hibernate ORM. The example is available in the module employee-service. A detailed guide may be find in the following article: Guide to Quarkus with Kotlin
  2. Using Quarkus Kubernetes extensions to deploy application easily on Kubernetes. The example is available in the module employee-service. A detailed guide may be find in the following article: Guide to Quarkus on Kubernetes
  3. Using Quarkus OAuth2 extension to provide RBAC authorization based on integration with Keycloak. The example is available in the module employee-secure-service. A detailed guide may be find in the following article: Quarkus OAuth2 and security with Keycloak
  4. Using Quarkus with SmallRye Graph extension to GraphQL API and integration with a database with Panache. The example is available in the module sample-app-graphql. A detailed guide may be found in the following article: An Advanced GraphQL with Quarkus