Reward pool


Users will stake cw20 token and get rewarded in selected reward token(denom or cw20 reward token). Every time, user call deposit, withdraw, or claim msg, user's accumulated rewards will be updated. When the funder fund reward token, the acc_per_share will be updated. This vaule is indicates how much reward is allocated per one staking token. When there is no deposits, it is impossible to fund.

Contract Msgs


pub struct InstantiateMsg {
    pub governance: String,
    pub funder: String,
    pub staking_token: String,
    pub reward_asset_info: AssetInfo,
  • governance is a address who can update config.
  • funder is a address who can fund reward token.
  • staking_token is a cw20 token address which users will stake.
  • reward_asset_info is a cw20 token or denom asset info which users will get reward.


pub enum ExecuteMsg {
    Withdraw {
        amount: Uint128,
    Claim {},
    Fund {},
    UpdateConfig {
        governance: Option<String>,
        funder: Option<String>,
  • Receive(Cw20ReceiveMsg) Cw20 token receive hook handler for staking or fund.
  • Withdraw Execute Msg for withdrawing staking token
  • Claim Execute Msg for claiming rewards
  • Fund Execute Msg for funding rewards - only funder can call.
  • UpdateConfig Execute Msg for updating config(governance and funder address) - only governance can call.


pub enum QueryMsg {
    Config {},
    State {},
    UserInfo { user: String },
  • Config Query current configuration (governance, funder, staking token, reward token)
  • State Query current contract state (total deposits, reward acc per share)
  • UserInfo Query information for specific user (user's stake amount and pending rewards)