
Highlight refactors and efforts to keep code base lean

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Less Hero!

Demo: https://s.natalian.org/2022-09-25/chart.html of a checkout of https://git.suckless.org/dwm/

Goal: Highlight efforts to reduce bloat

It's important for your health to watch your weight.

Same for code.

Aim of this project is to celebrate those who refactor and put code on a diet!


Assuming you a Go runtime installed:

go install github.com/kaihendry/lesshero@latest
lesshero -c chart.html /path/to/a/full/git/checkout


docker run -e FORCE_COLOR=1 -v $(pwd):/repo hendry/lesshero -c /repo/chart.html /repo


Related projects to help track code complexity