This project serves as an example of how rules_nixpkgs with --experimental_repo_remote_exec, and Remote Asset Api could be leveraged to achieve RBE in Nix+Bazel set-ups.


  1. Enter nix shell:
# Term1@repository_root
  1. Create Bazel outputRoot directory:
# Term1@repository_root
bazel version
  1. Open a separate terminal window, and enter nix shell again:
# Term2@repository_root
  1. Head to buildbarn directory
  2. Generate ssh keys for remote execution runner, and append them to your authorized keys file:
# Term2@repository_root/buildbarn
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "runner@buildbarn" -f runner/ssh/id_rsa
cat runner/ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  1. Start buildbarn stack:
# Term2@repository_root/buildbarn
  1. Open Buildbarn Scheduler UI by heading to http://localhost:7982/ in a web browser
  2. Wait for Buildbarn stack to finish setting up. Once it's done you should see 8 idle workers in Buildbarn Scheduler UI. Note: this page does not refresh by itself.
  3. Head back to first terminal window and execute build commands:
# Term1@repository_root
bazel build \
  --experimental_repo_remote_exec \
  --remote_executor=grpc://localhost:8980 \
  --remote_instance_name="" \
  --repo_env=CLIENT_NAME=$USER \
  --repo_env=CLIENT_HOST= \
  --curses=no \
  @lsd_local//:bin/lsd \
  1. Observe execution in both terminal windows and in Buildbarn Scheduler UI