- 0
Recover input after lost connection
#85 opened by TechInterMezzo - 6
- 1
Inline editing in lists
#83 opened by TechInterMezzo - 2
Parameter attach_record_id of mail_send and mail_delete_after_attach is not BIGINT
#82 opened by TechInterMezzo - 3
- 2
How to pronounce REI3?
#80 opened by surfmuggle - 3
Add file_unlink to backend functions
#69 opened by TechInterMezzo - 3
- 2
- 2
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 3
- 5
Check effective rights for attributes?
#72 opened by TechInterMezzo - 1
Set file extension filter for form field?
#71 opened by TechInterMezzo - 4
- 2
Filters should start all "checked"
#66 opened by oriolgalceran - 1
Folders in the relations, forms, frontend functions, and backend functions
#65 opened by oriolgalceran - 2
- 9
- 3
Docker: node number increases
#62 opened by TechInterMezzo - 2
Manipulating input fields (vue components)
#58 opened by TechInterMezzo - 4
- 10
- 4
Open record with menu entry
#61 opened by TechInterMezzo - 7
pdf_create generates at least two pages
#56 opened by TechInterMezzo - 2
Filter criteria and column name do not match when setting a column name for the table
#45 opened by Martin-Bonn - 3
.tar.gz file corrupted ?
#55 opened by mgazzin - 2
How to compile frontend files?
#54 opened by TechInterMezzo - 2
unable to install a package
#53 opened by Al3x360 - 8
question regarding Rest API
#51 opened by mgazzin - 9
Build REI3 ./r3 -run LINUX:failed to start embedded database, embedded database is only supported on Windows
#48 opened by yaoyingkeji - 2
Docker compose errors
#46 opened by danny3n1tech - 3
Docker image missing directories
#43 opened by Heartnett - 6
- 0
- 2
Builder: New attribute form bug
#40 opened by patrik123git - 5
Postgres with Secure Connection
#37 opened by openminder - 0
#36 opened by robin-collins - 2
preset record selector from dependant application
#34 opened by gizocz - 2
feature request: custom validate function
#31 opened by gizocz - 2
- 4
ReferenceError: RELATION_NAME is not defined
#32 opened by gizocz - 2
broken form builder filed data query in v3.2
#30 opened by gizocz - 2
Unable to download from the official website
#28 opened by NhanNTWPV - 4
Modal subform
#14 opened by fabiograz - 6
How to conditional input based on field value
#15 opened by fabiograz - 2
Missing message "bad identifier ..."
#13 opened by fabiograz - 5
Versione 2.5.1 don't start
#12 opened by fabiograz