
A save decrypter for PS3

Primary LanguageC#


A save decrypter for PS3.
Download here.


Uses games.conf file to get decryption id.
(downloaded from public url if not presented).
If it doesn't contains info for the game, there might be more comprehesive versions with it.

Similar projects

Py2.7: PARAM.PFD-PS3. (slower)
C: pfd_sfo_tools / pfdtool.

  • ReadConfigFromtext2, auto-releases.
    better games.conf parsing code.
    builds generated in ./build/

  • fix game search algo match by TitleID.Substring(0,9) or Title
    optimize: only per dir load - new SavMan and key search ; make ps3SaveManager public
    refactor Form1.cs
    switch output to console, add logging.

  • universality fix (1)
    get SecureFileID from games.conf (2) based on titleID from SFO
    Param.SFO -> TitleID-> games.conf -> SecureFileID
    (1) restore and fix cut feature
    (2) downloads if not presented
    minor: add .gitignore