Learn Python the right way. By actually writing code and solving problems! Also known as Snakelings.
This project is a work in progress so it is not complete yet.
Learning Python involves actually doing things practically; sitting down and watching YouTube tutorial after another won't get you anywhere. Beginners tend to fall into this, we even have a name for it, Tutorial 🔥 Hell. Tutorials are good for getting to know the basics but that's where I believe you should stop, and begin actually writing code.
🐍 Snekilings helps with 🌟 that. 🐍 Snakelings provides a set of short exercises to immerse you into developing and debugging Python code. Inspired by Rustlings, each exercise in Snakelings has intentional faults designed to expose you to as many Python exceptions and errors as possible. 🐍 Snakelings bridges the gap between the theoretical and practical coding knowledge by providing a real environment.
- Print markdown to terminal.
- Pytest intergraion (some exercises will make use of pytest to test the anwsers/values)
- Command to update exercises folder with new exercises.
- More exercises...
and more to be added
more readme coming soon...