
Discord bot - Dice rolling

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Install nodejs (runtime environment)

Install bot

  1. Unzip the bot to it's own folder
  2. In command prompt, navigate to new bot folder
  3. To install dependencies, run: npm install


Create a new bot user

See: https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/discord.html

At step #7, copy your token and paste it into config.json

Note: If you set as "private bot", you will be the only one who can invite anywhere.

  • If you are not server owner or no permissions to invite yourself - set as apublic bot until the owner invites it into server ... then set back to private.
  • If you want anyone to be able to invite the bot, just leave it as a public bot

Edit defaults

Config also contains the the prefix and some default values

  • Note: prefic can be anything (must be at least 1 character)
  • Note: the timeout is in milliseconds ... 120000 == 2 minutes



  1. In command prompt, navigate to new bot folder
  2. Start the bot with node index.js
  3. Copy the invite url from startup sequence and paste into browser
  4. Invite to whichever server (pass link to server owner if you don't have manage permissions)


  • To break out of a running bot process, press Ctrl+C in command prompt
  • If you get it stuck in the background, can close it through process manager