
USB CDC ACM implementation for CH32V307 Evaluation Board

Primary LanguageC



This repository contains a CherryUSB based USB-CDC-ACM implementation for the WCH CH32V307V-EVT-R1 development board running the CH32V307 RISC-V microcontroller. This repository is based on the CherryUSB project, which provides portable USB Host and Device stack for microcontrollers.

The project uses:

User Guide


  • Install the toolchain bundle downloaded from the Mounriver website. Edit Makefile to change path variables TOOLCHAIN_ROOT and OPENOCD_ROOT to the gcc toolchain and openocd bin directory. Rename directories to avoid spaces in path string.

  • Add the following lines to /etc/udev/rules.d/60-openocd.rules or similar. Run sudo udevadm control --reload and replug device to USB.

          SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}="1a86", ATTR{idProduct}=="8010", GROUP="plugdev"
  • Add the following line to ~/.gdbinit, so as to enable auto gdb initialization. Modify <path> to point to current directory.

          add-auto-load-safe-path <path>/wch-ch32v307-makefile/.gdbinit
  • Connect USB-C Cable to P9 for programming, debugging and log output.

  • Connect USB-C Cable to P9 for USB CDC ACM output.

Build and Debug

  • Simply run make to build the project.
  • Run make prog to build the project and program the firmware using openocd
  • Run miniterm.py - 115200 and then select the port labeled "CH32V307 CDC Demo" to view the CDC-ACM output. Log output is visible on the port labeled "WCH-Link".

For Debugging:

  • In another terminal, start the GDB server by running make gdb-server_openocd. GDB Server probably has to be restarted after every code download step, otherwise seems to hang.
  • Run make gdb-client to download the code and start debugging.