
Asyncronous Python client for Cassandra and Scylla

Primary LanguagePython


WORK IN PROGRESS, use only for developing


There is an Alpha realease compabitble with Python 3.7 and Python 3.8 for Linux and MacOS environments uploaded as a Pypi package. Use the following command for installing it:

For MacOS you would need to install the following libraries for make it work:


The following snippet shows the minimal stuff that would be needed for creating a new Session object for the keyspace acsylla and then peform a query for reading a set of rows.

Acsylla comes with a minimal support for the following objects: Cluster, Session, Statement, PreparedStatement, Batch, Result, Row.


For developing you must clone the respository and first compile the CPP Cassandra driver, please follow the instructions for installing any dependency that you would need for compiling the driver:


The driver depends on libuv and openssl. To install on Mac OS X, do brew install libuv and brew install openssl respectively. Additionally, you may need to export openssl lib locations: export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib" and export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include".

Set up the environment and compile the package using the following commands:

And finally run the tests: