
Demos and examples for Riot and submodules

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status MIT License

Riot Examples

This is a series of examples designed to showcase the benefits of adopting Riot. It is made possible by the Riot open source community.

We have several examples to choose from; each one demonstrates different aspects Riot:


Timer Source Demo
Todo Source Demo
Todo (pre-compiled) Source Demo
Live filtering Source Demo
Mixins Source Demo
Observables Source Demo
Router - Page switcher Source Demo


ES6 Source Demo
Pre-process LESS Source Demo
Router - Complex Source Demo
Webpack Source
Rollup Source


If you have an example that you think others could benefit from and you'd like to share it please read the contributing guidelines and submit a PR.


If you find something that isn't expected please raise an issue and we'll get on it. To make it easier to debug please use the Bug Reporter.