
Backend for E-Commerce Website in NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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NodeJS Back-end

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📝 Table of Contents

🧐 About

Backend for a sample E-Commerce Website developed using NodeJS, Express and MongoDB. Following functionalities are available for use.

  • Sign-up a new user
  • Login with email and password
  • Logout from portal

🏁 Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them.


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running.

Install Dependencies

npm install

Create an .env File holding Environment Variables in the Project Root

DATABASE=<Address String of your MongoDB Instance> [Required]
PORT=<Port on which you want your application to run. Default = 8000> [Optional]
SECRET=<Secret for encryption and decryption of Authentication Tokens> [Required]

Run app.js

npm start

🔧 API testing

Documentation of further Testing of various API(s)

  • Authentication Routes

Sign Up

Endpoint: /api/signup
Request Type: POST
Body: {
        "firstName": "Abc",             [Required]
        "lastName": "Xyz",              [Optional]
        "userInfo": "Description",      [Optional]
        "email": "abc@xyz.com",         [Required]
        "password": "B#A*jhv8"          [Required]
        "role": 1                       [Optional]


Endpoint: /api/login
Request Type: POST
Body: {
        "email": "abc@xyz.com",         [Required]
        "password": "B#A*jhv8"          [Required]


Endpoint: /api/logout
Request Type: GET
  • User Routes

Get User Details

Endpoint: /api/user/<userId>
Request Type: GET
Header: {
            Authorization: Bearer <Token obtained from Login>

Update User Details

Endpoint: /api/user/<userId>
Request Type: PUT
Header: {
            Authorization: Bearer <Token obtained from Login>
Body: {
        lastName: "new",
        email: "new.email@newmail.org"

Get User Purchases

Endpoint: /api/orders/user/<userId>
Request Type: GET
Header: {
            Authorization: Bearer <Token obtained from Login>

🚀 Deployment

Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system.

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