
Tempory dev space for CMS HERD Lib

Primary LanguageC++


This repo contains the core source for use in both provided applications and externally created applications. The HERD libary intends to provide reusable operational code for use in CMS Tracker custom control PCBs utilising an onboard ARM processor. In the majority of these board it is expected that this processor is a Xilinx Zynq. As such support for accessing the programmable logic within Zynq ICs is included but this library will operate on non-Zynq platforms too.

Key functionality provided by use of HERDlib enables:

  • Common tooling across SoC boards
    • Common debug interface and tools
    • Common monitoring GUI
    • Common integration with Central DAQ
    • Common command type


Provided Applications using HERDlib include:

  1. [Control_Skeleton(./Skeletons/ControlApp_Skeleton.cpp)
  2. CommandLine
  3. Monitor

HERDlib dependancies

  • gtest
  • liblog4cplus
  • libboost-regex
  • libboost-thread
  • libboost-chrono
  • ZeroMQ
  • yamlcpp

Gettiing started (User): Trying HERDlib out

The easiest way to start working with is to use the prebuild development docker image. The following assumes you have docker installed.

$ docker pull rknowlton/shepherd-dev:latest
$ docker run -i -t rknowlton/shepherd-dev:latest /bin/bash

We reccommend experimenting with 1 of the example applications provided. CommandLine is mostly easily deployed on a server or laptop, see CommandLineExamples.

Alternatively, the CommandLine application can also be deployed on a zynq processor by:

  1. Running BalenaOS and following CommandLine Balena instructions.
  2. Manually installing it via COmmandLine manual install instructions

Getting Started (Developer)

HERDlib uses:

Developing using a preconfigured docker image

Developing on Redhat/CENTOS

Developing on Ubuntu/Debian

Building from source

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make


To generate the docs locally:


$ sudo apt-get install doxygen graphviz
$ cd docs
$ doxygen

Open a web browser and navigate to ./docs/html/index.html


$ sudo yum install doxygen graphviz
$ cd docs
$ doxygen

Open a web browser and navigate to ./docs/html/index.html




Pull requests and issues are welcome