- 0
Update clipboard lib
#321 opened by mapirpg - 6
Warning: Cannot update a component (`LoginPage`) while rendering a different component (`ForwardRef`). To locate the bad setState() call inside `ForwardRef`, follow the stack trace as described in
#320 opened by vigneshkumaran-github - 1
OTP input losing focus immediately on IOS
#304 opened by sapramit - 3
- 4
Keyboard closes after entering each input if custom "inputContainerStyles" is specified
#237 opened by jp-xbox-gaming - 4
- 3
- 1
- 6
Unable to paste in android
#260 opened by akapoordeqode - 1
- 3
add styles to inputs if they have a value
#305 opened by PROda221 - 1
Does not have onCodeFilled method/Props
#300 opened by Trapintrovert - 0
- 0
Touchable area is too short.
#306 opened by lovelytingy - 3
ios paste code the UI abnormal
#302 opened by xjdqq - 4
Expo has a Clipboard API
#274 opened by hirbod - 0
When I type OTP and select a middle number to remove and clean it using delete button, the number jumps to previous fields.
#297 opened by linco6054 - 0
Exported props are missing
#293 opened by JohnBerd - 3
Auto filling otp in ios not work proper
#268 opened by BhalodiyaHappyDV - 0
[Request]: Android SMS User Consent API Integration
#276 opened by turker0 - 0
- 2
secureTextEntry not working
#244 opened by gandarain - 0
- 2
Copy Paste issue.
#255 opened by rahulje9 - 1
One time code autofilling weird behaviour
#253 opened by yudiz-vipul - 3
Not focusing to next input in android
#249 opened by rahulje9 - 3
- 3
Infinite pasting from clipboard
#250 opened by BayCo - 1
There is no way to clear all code.
#248 opened by yudiz-vipul - 2
#247 opened by dpatil2011 - 1
How to clear input
#245 opened by kaurrJaspreet - 3
Autofill feature?
#242 opened by waleedarshad - 4
iOS textContentType=oneTimeCode autofilling the entire OTP code at first index
#239 opened by sivakumar-cf - 14
Wrong otp autofill.
#200 opened by rmamtaventures - 3
When editing the OTP, cursor does not move to the next input box if the edited value is the same as the old value
#133 opened by quanle1994 - 3
- 9
How focus inputs ?
#171 opened by arshidkv12 - 4
Keyevent doesn't fire if Samsung keyboard is used (Google keyboard works perfectly)
#213 opened by ianidi - 1
OTP not auto-populating correctly in IOS
#221 opened - 2
can you please tell how to diable otp auto fill it is always filling wrong otp input
#222 opened by paras-kc - 8
Set value
#172 opened by mayankpandav - 3
Android and iOS crashed when use two OTPInput view together with 4 and 6 numberOfInputs.
#162 opened by Parth-9711 - 7
handleChange function is not being called.
#164 opened by quanle1994 - 4
Pasted OTP value cannot be edited
#132 opened by quanle1994 - 4
Key strokes on Android lost when pressed quickly
#115 opened by mohsinulhaq - 1
First input box takes 2 characters when editing.
#134 opened by quanle1994 - 8
Clear() method not working.
#112 opened by jaswalnisha - 0
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