This is a simple NodeJS based application that allows external applications execute programs in the server via URL. This is a kind of webservice developed in javascript that uses a configuration file or a MySQL database with the programs to be executed.
The MySQL is disable by default.
The file in ./config/config.js is used to setup all the configurations.
The default page ("/") shows the list of programs available.
The page "/prog/:id", where :id is the program's id in the MySQL database, shown the data for that specific program.
The page "/exec" execute the program with the arguments. The server use GET to pass the program's id and arguments. For example to execute ls -l in /tmp directory the URL should be: /exec?id=1&arg=-l%20/tmp
The exec service include three more options. The first one is async=true to send the program and return immediately without wait for the result. The second option is text=true to send the program's output in text format and the last option is rel=5, just for the html output, and will reload the page after 5 seconds
The exec full format is:
The reload option is useful for programs like ps to have an update of the page every 5 seconds.
For complex programs with multiple arguments you should create scripts
You can get the command output in text format in the linux console using wget like this:
#> wget -qO- "http://localhost:8081/exec?id=0&arg=-lh%20/tmp&text=true"
#> wget -qO- "http://localhost:8081/exec?id=5&arg=aux|grep username&text=true&rel=5"
Please, be careful with the programs included to be executed and the user who will runs this application. I recommend the creation of a user with limited permissions. Also, the application should be executed in a protected port.
Getting the source code, and download the NodeJS dependencies:
#> cd nCService
#> npm install
By default the programs are specified in the ./config/config.js file.
* Programs in a text file
* This is recommended for small list of programs
config.progs = {};
config.progs.enable = 'true';
config.progs.list = new Array();
* ls
config.progs.list[0] = {};
config.progs.list[0].Id = 0;
config.progs.list[0].Name = 'ls';
config.progs.list[0].Script = '/usr/bin/ls';
config.progs.list[0].Comment = 'Run ls command';
Create a database named 'nCService' and a mysql user named 'ncservice'
#> mysql -p -u root
mysql> CREATE DATABASE nCService;
mysql> CREATE USER 'ncservice'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypass';
mysql> GRANT ALL ON nCService.* TO 'ncservice'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypass';
#> mysql -p -u ncservice nCService < ./mysql/nCService.sql
Run this command to execute the application:
#> node nCService.js
Express nCService server listening on port 8081