RuboCop plugin for Haml template.
Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:
bundle add rubocop-haml
If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:
gem install rubocop-haml
Require rubocop-haml
in your RuboCop config.
# .rubocop.yml
- rubocop-haml
Now you can use RuboCop also for Haml templates.
$ bundle exec rubocop spec/fixtures/dummy.haml
Inspecting 1 file
spec/fixtures/dummy.haml:1:13: C: [Correctable] Style/CharacterLiteral: Do not use the character literal - use string literal instead.
%div(a="b #{?c}")
spec/fixtures/dummy.haml:2:7: C: [Correctable] Style/HashSyntax: Use the new Ruby 1.9 hash syntax.
%div{ :a => "b" }
spec/fixtures/dummy.haml:2:13: C: [Correctable] Style/StringLiterals: Prefer single-quoted strings when you don't need string interpolation or special symbols.
%div{ :a => "b" }
1 file inspected, 3 offenses detected, 3 offenses autocorrectable