Mount cron system to Ruboty to schedule messages on a specific time.
You can use any Chrono compatible cron syntax to schedule messages.
@ruboty add job "<cron syntax>" <message> - Add a new cron job
@ruboty delete job <id> - Delete a cron job
@ruboty suspend job <id> - Suspend a cron job
@ruboty resume job <id> - Resume a cron job
@ruboty list jobs - List all cron jobs
The scheduled message will be delivered to your bot itself (instead of posting to somewhere by the bot directly) on the time. If the message contains any valid command, your bot will try to respond to it.
$ bundle exec ruboty
Type `exit` or `quit` to end the session.
> @ruboty add job "* * * * *" @ruboty ping
Job 3117 created
> @ruboty list jobs
3117: "* * * * *" @ruboty ping
> @ruboty delete job 3117
If you want to schedule Ruboty to say something, ruboty-echo may help you.
> @ruboty add job "0 8 * * 1-5" @ruboty echo It's Time for School!
Note that you need to include @ruboty
before the command name echo
, because ruboty-echo responds only for any mention to the bot itself. Otherwise your bot will ignore the message as an invalid echo