
An android app for Running

Primary LanguageJava

RunningX (RunHelper)

I am going to take part in the half marathon in Tallahassee on Feb. 7th, 2016, but I can't find a appropriate app for the daily training running. At the same time, I am taking a mobile programming class, so I decide to develop a running app for the homework also for my daily running.

It is simple and not perfect now, but it works pretty well, and I will improve it at the winter holiday.


Now it has the following functions:

  • Record the trace you run and other basic information, such use total distance, total time, current speed.
  • Show you trace on the map, and update the trace dynamically.
  • Show the speed of you running;
  • Show the altitude of you running trace;
  • Support save your running in you storage, and you can review it later;
  • Support Google map and Gaode map, you may know, some poor guys can not use google map;
  • Support Pace and Speed to measure how fast you run.
  • Support two kinds of length units: International(Km) and United States(Mile)


  • Start


  • Running


  • Map: Google map


  • Map: Gaode map (Gaode map can not display detail map information in US, but it should work in China)


  • Chart pace


  • Chart speed


  • Configuration


  • History


  • About


Have a funny running!

Google play

Google play store, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.votors.runningx