Exercise: Generic Stack Implementation

Objective: Implement a generic Stack class in Scala that can handle elements of any type. The stack should support basic operations such as push, pop, and peek.


  1. Generic Class Definition: Define a Stack class that is generic and can hold elements of any specified type.
  2. Push Method: Implement a method to add an element to the top of the stack.
  3. Pop Method: Implement a method to remove the top element from the stack. This method should throw an appropriate exception if the stack is empty.
  4. Peek Method: Implement a method to return the top element without removing it, throwing an exception if the stack is empty.
  5. IsEmpty Method: Include a method to check if the stack is empty.


Objective: Extend the generic Stack class to include a map method that creates a new stack with elements transformed by a function, which itself could potentially produce elements of a different type.

New Requirement:

  • Map Method: Implement a map method in the Stack class that takes a transformation function (represented as the object](s) bellow) as a parameter. This function should transform each element of the stack from type T to another type U, resulting in a new Stack[U].
trait TransformFunction[T, U] {
  def transform(t: T): U

class DoubleTransformFunction extends TransformFunction[Int, Double] {
  override def transform(t: Int): Double = t * 2.0

class StringTransformFunction extends TransformFunction[Int, String] {
  override def transform(t: Int): String = s"Number: $t"